
remember who we are
collaborative fusible beads altar & archangels
120cm x 200cm
as part of jasper griepink's SWEAT exhibition at roodkapje gallery
opened as ceremony number three
more here
rotterdam, planet earth, 2014
collaborative fusible beads altar & archangels
120cm x 200cm
as part of jasper griepink's SWEAT exhibition at roodkapje gallery
opened as ceremony number three
more here
rotterdam, planet earth, 2014

hell is a ðoor to heaven
a gate opening film
by bram loogman & joaquin wall
hell, planet earth, 2014
soon to be released
a gate opening film
by bram loogman & joaquin wall
hell, planet earth, 2014
soon to be released

hair offering
as part of hell is a door to heaven
a gate opening film
hell, planet earth, 2014
as part of hell is a door to heaven
a gate opening film
hell, planet earth, 2014

quinten: a boy with a memory as a karaoke machine
a film by paul groot
94 min of avant-garde
45 min of understanding
with bram loogman and namfon udomlertlak
more here
amsterdam, planet earth, 2014
a film by paul groot
94 min of avant-garde
45 min of understanding
with bram loogman and namfon udomlertlak
more here
amsterdam, planet earth, 2014

the day & the night
eartlhy installed activated crystal portal
as a total of 13 pieces distributed in opposite sides of the planet
detailed pieces here
featured as silence here
la plata - bangkok, 2014
eartlhy installed activated crystal portal
as a total of 13 pieces distributed in opposite sides of the planet
detailed pieces here
featured as silence here
la plata - bangkok, 2014

the third seed
17 fusible beads modules & crystal
70cm x 230cm
as part of astronave, exhibition at mal de muchos gallery
opened as la comunion de los poderes
more here la plata, 2013
17 fusible beads modules & crystal
70cm x 230cm
as part of astronave, exhibition at mal de muchos gallery
opened as la comunion de los poderes
more here la plata, 2013

la comunion de los poderes
dancing ritual, ∞ x ∞
love, friends, music, cannabis, candles, fire, diamantine water, fruits, sacred geometry
as part of astronave exhibition
more here
la plata, mal de muchos, 2013
dancing ritual, ∞ x ∞
love, friends, music, cannabis, candles, fire, diamantine water, fruits, sacred geometry
as part of astronave exhibition
more here
la plata, mal de muchos, 2013

exhibition mal de muchos gallery
11-05 / 01-06 - 2013
opened as la comunion de los poderes
more here
la plata, 2013
exhibition mal de muchos gallery
11-05 / 01-06 - 2013
opened as la comunion de los poderes
more here
la plata, 2013

changing skins
as part of butterjuice's EP changing skins
11 animated fusible bead modules
in collaboration with joaco miret
la plata, 2013
as part of butterjuice's EP changing skins
11 animated fusible bead modules
in collaboration with joaco miret
la plata, 2013

open the wall
41 days lived as an instant, ∞ x ∞
love, friends, plants, sun, moon, water, food, music, beds, wooden floor
more here
buenos aires, 2013
41 days lived as an instant, ∞ x ∞
love, friends, plants, sun, moon, water, food, music, beds, wooden floor
more here
buenos aires, 2013

ofrendas de fuego
as part of open the wall instant recidency
9 fire ballons, 11 launchers
more here
buenos aires, 2013
as part of open the wall instant recidency
9 fire ballons, 11 launchers
more here
buenos aires, 2013

el rayo verde
as part of open the wall instant recidency
green ray of kelly's energy envolving humans
more here
buenos aires, 2013
as part of open the wall instant recidency
green ray of kelly's energy envolving humans
more here
buenos aires, 2013

subiendo los muros
as part of open the wall instant recidency
9 colours, fabrics, cosmic-eye, crystal-cube water
in collaboration with nicolás salvatierra
more here
buenos aires, 2013
as part of open the wall instant recidency
9 colours, fabrics, cosmic-eye, crystal-cube water
in collaboration with nicolás salvatierra
more here
buenos aires, 2013

notes on tour
as part of the ritual tour quito exhibition
55 colour printed postcards (to be sent & incinerated), 21cm x 10cm
more here
no lugar, quito, 2012
as part of the ritual tour quito exhibition
55 colour printed postcards (to be sent & incinerated), 21cm x 10cm
more here
no lugar, quito, 2012

paperwindow, installation
as part of the ritual tour quito exhibition
17 paper modules on window / wall
more here
no lugar, quito, ecuador, 2012
as part of the ritual tour quito exhibition
17 paper modules on window / wall
more here
no lugar, quito, ecuador, 2012

as part of the ritual tour
5th ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel
sorata, bolivia, 2012
as part of the ritual tour
5th ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel
sorata, bolivia, 2012

as part of the ritual tour
4th ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel
coroico, bolivia, 2012
as part of the ritual tour
4th ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel
coroico, bolivia, 2012

as part of the ritual tour
3rd ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel
el ojo del inca, potosi, bolivia, 2012
as part of the ritual tour
3rd ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel
el ojo del inca, potosi, bolivia, 2012

as part of the ritual tour
2nd ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel and miriam
camino 60 cuadras, córdoba, argentina, 2011
as part of the ritual tour
2nd ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel and miriam
camino 60 cuadras, córdoba, argentina, 2011

as part of the ritual tour
1st ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel and britni
despeņaderos, córdoba, argentina, 2011
as part of the ritual tour
1st ritual / in collaboration with gabriel gabriel and britni
despeņaderos, córdoba, argentina, 2011

foldable portrait for i wish i lived 81 years
a3 prints downloadable here: a / b / c / d
print and colour paper
buenos aires, 2011
a3 prints downloadable here: a / b / c / d
print and colour paper
buenos aires, 2011

1986 / 1998 / 2010
installation featuring self-portrait / lene nystrøm rasted / argentine president CFK
46000 fusible beads in 115 square modules & 7 objects
more here
buenos aires, 2011
installation featuring self-portrait / lene nystrøm rasted / argentine president CFK
46000 fusible beads in 115 square modules & 7 objects
more here
buenos aires, 2011

i wish i lived 81 years
as part of chiara cardinali's itinerant curatorial project "luggage swap"
81 printed pictures & 81 stories
9 separated colour boxes, inside an acrylic box, 11cm x 13cm x 11cm
more here
buenos aires, 2011
as part of chiara cardinali's itinerant curatorial project "luggage swap"
81 printed pictures & 81 stories
9 separated colour boxes, inside an acrylic box, 11cm x 13cm x 11cm
more here
buenos aires, 2011